Picnic Point Reserve Bank Stabilization and Boardwalks
The George River at Picnic Point Reserve is a tidally affected river system.
A section of the river was undergoing active bank erosion and it was beginning to undermine a popular walking track on the top of the bank.
Cadifern’s primary objective was to provide protection to the existing walking track by stabilizing the bank and preventing it from further eroding towards the path.
Where possible staff were innovative and open to changing circumstances. Staff coped very well with difficult situations and site constraints
It was determined that the main cause of erosion to the banks was from the wake of watercraft using the river. This created considerable waves which dissipate energy against the bank over time causing the gradual but inevitable erosion.
As per the design Cadifern used coir logs to protect the undercut banks including build up of a new rock spall embankment to reestablish the bank whilst protecting the undercut areas to allow revegetation.
To reinstate the path regrading works were completed along with an FRP boardwalk, with kick rails and mechanically driven piles over areas where path regrading was not able to be completed.
Revegetation works including soil infill and native planting were done to complete the project.
All works were carried out in a manner to avoid or minimize environmental impacts.
All relevant Environmental Protection and Heritage requirements were met.
The project achieved a high level of project compliance over safety, environment, and quality.