The site is located at Oak Flats, Shellharbour. The local council engaged Cadifern to complete the construction of new wing wall and adjustment of stormwater pipes in order to stabilize creek embankment and improve the local area during flood events.

The scope includes but not limited to; demolition works, dewatering, disposal of existing wing walls, installation of piles and footing, construction of the bridge wing wall, installation of riprap, adjustment of stormwater pipe and minor landscaping works.
Working in a highly sensitive environment, Cadifern always strive to be pro-active in determining the best control measures and protection for fauna & flora during project duration.
The construction of the new wing wall significantly improved the creek embankment, mitigating the risk of subsidence.
Cadifern completed the project ahead of programme, within budget and achieving high standards of relevant legal and other requirements, ensuring successful project delivery.