Phone No
02 4268 3503

Balfour Road Retaining Wall Reconstruction

The Balfour Rd. Austinmer retaining wall reconstruction involved the remediation of a partially failed dry stacked stone retaining wall that bisects a concrete/ brick box culvert using shotcrete in combination with soil nails.

The goal being to achieve a fit-for- purpose retaining structure that supports the road above

Cadifern went above and beyond to ensure a well delivered project. Site Personnel were experienced and completed works to a high standard.

Works addressed other associated issues including subsided footpath and kerb and gutter, undermining of culvert outlet apron as well undersized stormwater pit inlet.

The scope of works included (but not limited to); traffic and pedestrian management, demolition, soil nailing, Shotcreting, concreting, stormwater, road works.

Cadifern went above and beyond to ensure a well delivered project. Site Personnel were experienced and completed works to a high standard.

Cadifern Always strive to achieve high standards of works and ensure a successful delivery within budget and programme